I've been doing a little reminiscing today, looking back at old photos I thought were lost. It has been a goal of mine to go back and make "yearbooks" of my life. I've been prolonging the process, because where do you start? 2016 while it is still hot and fresh in your mind? Or 2006 while you still remember some details? I have always wanted to keep a journal, but I have been terrified of being judged. So in a way, my day planners have been what I call my "Life Bibles" for the past decade. I am so happy with myself that I have used them religiously, and have kept them close.
Anyway, today I found some very old pictures of my coworkers, who have become such dear friends over the years. I wanted to post a thank you to my former boss, and friend V Fred who gave a twenty-year-old, redheaded girl a chance at her first CNA gig. When I was little I was obsessed with babies, in-fact I told people when I grew up I wanted to be an OB-GYN, not fully understanding what that entailed. When I saw a posting for labor and delivery back in 2008, I thought I'd give it a chance! I had a coupled interview with Nikki Larsen, and she was so cute, so sweet, and had experience. Vikki gave us a tour of the unit, and when we walked in the tech room, there was a full term fetal demise. I was in shock, and Nikki started bawling-- at that point I knew she got the job.
I was surprised when I received the job offer, and soon learned we both were hired on!
Throughout the eight years I worked as a scrub-tech/patient care assistant, I have met the most amazing people, and have had such incredible experiences-- both happy and very sad. I worked throughout nursing school, thinking I would have to start somewhere like med/surg or a nursing home. When graduation creeped up on me, I wished I had asked more questions, and jumped into more patient care.
I applied for jobs like crazy; positions at Primary Children's, NICU, I would have even loved to work in the OR somewhere. When I learned Labor and Delivery was hiring for the float pool, I was terrified yet excited. I held my breath and hit submit. I worked with Melanie before, and she set me up with an interview right away. I was beyond stoked to accept my dream job, one that I once thought of as impossible to get as a new grad!
This first year as a new nurse has been very rough, yet very fulfilling. It is hard to transition from a nurse's assistant, to being that responsible nurse I once called if there were problems [especially at four different hospitals.] I have had to stop being shy, self-conscious, and doubting my abilities. I know more than I think I know, and I will continue to learn new things every single shift. I absolutely love being a nurse so far. My patients are the highlight of my job. It is the best thing in the world to get to spend all day with a mom and family during such an exciting, life changing transition. Guys-- I literally help bring life into this world!!!!!! Although I have had to experience extreme trauma and grief that I never did expect in labor and delivery; I know that I am exactly where I am meant to be.
So, from the bottom of my heart: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!
Thank you V Fred, and Melanie for both of my incredible positions I have held so far. Thank you to my stellar scrub techs for your friendship, for always being so willing to help out, and for making my transition so smooth. Thank you to my fellow RN's who have answered questions after questions, given me such great advice, and setting such powerful examples for me. Thank you for all the OBs and residents that have been so patient and willing to teach me tips and tricks. Thank you to those who were there that life shaking day; for all the hugs, love and encouragement to come back to work. Huge thank you to my family at IMC who has believed in me, and help mold me into who I am today. Thank you to all the staff at LDS hospital, Riverton hospital and even Alta View hospital that have welcomed me with kindness.
I am truly honored to work for such an incredible company, and especially such an incredible team of individuals.
Had to share some of these classic pictures of my girls from the Pelvic Palace:
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