Sunday, June 9, 2013


Another obsession of mine lately: SASSY WATER.

I got the original idea from pinterest of course. It is part of the Prevention magazine's Flat belly diet. The original recipe is here.

Health Benefits:
"Proponents of the diet maintain that ginger in sassy water helps your digestion and can reduce your risk of constipation, while lemon works as a natural diuretic and promotes a healthy pH balance. Cucumbers contain erepsin, an enzyme that helps your body digest protein and also supports the health of your kidneys due to their diuretic properties. Chemicals in mint leaves also support digestion." Along with many other nutritional perks.
You can find more information here.

I make it for my mom and I every night. I put about 5-6 slices of cukes, around half of a lemon, a few mint leaves, and peal some ginger (I like a lot, my mom likes less). I bought a ginger root from Harmon's, pealed it and keep it in the freezer. When I need some I just use my potato peeler. Also, the mint needs to be twisted and broke apart a little bit to better release the herb's oil. Without fail, it always tastes great. I just fill it up with ice (and sometimes water) all day long.

The biggest reason I love it tho, it tastes AWESOME. I usually drink a lot of water, but I feel I have increased my H2O intake by quite a bit. So cheers to this amazing, refreshing summer beverage. Isn't it pretty?

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