Monday, February 20, 2017

Dear Journal.

If you have looked back through my blog at all, I've always been kind of stuck. I want to blog more, I want to journal; but I am shy, and very highly critical of myself. I second guess everything I say-- I straight up suck at communicating. It makes perfect sense in my head, but something gets lost in translation to my fingers/mouth!!! #mumbler. It really is plain silly.

Anyway, I've had this Q and A Journal for a long time. [My BABE of a friend Liz Hasler Williams gave it to me for a birthday one year. Thanks Lizzie :-*] I admit first off: I have been SLACKING to say the least; but I decided to commit to filling it out this year. [Rando: It seems like I only tend to write in it on odd years: 2013, 2015, 2017..] Also, Dave and I recieved the couple edition as a wedding gift, and we have LOVED filling it out so far! In fact we loved it so much that we got almost all of our "couple" friends their own book for Christmas! :)

Such a fun gift, and a great way to journal without feeling completely vulnerable. I was reading back today, and I had to stop on this page: 

It just made me smile, and validate all that I believe in. I have always said I am a firm believer in the law of attraction, and I absolutely think that everything happens for a reason. If you want to be happy, BE happy. You can be anything you want to be, and do anything you want to do if you just believe it 100%. I think the same goes the other way as well though. If you want to be jealous or mean, you will always find a reason to be. If you feel like you have bad luck, you will attract more of it. Think positive! Thoughts have mass, and mass attracts things.. Make sure you're adding good to this world and you will get nothing but good things back at you. 

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