My Why: I owe it to myself. To feel strong in my own skin. To feel alive and amazing. To conquer. To Inspire.
Has it been over a month or has it just been a day? If you "cheat" then you are on a "diet". I changed my lifestyle last month, and I don't regret those noodles last night>> I just worked out harder and ate better today. I feel great when I eat lots of fat, and lower my carbs; I feel like crap when I eat like crap. After sober November we celebrated too hard, I swear I was feeling it for a week! It messes with the nutrition, the movement, and the sleep! To the point I don't even enjoy it, it's not worth it. Cool-- glad we got that out our system.
Today I went to our apartment's fitness "class" or aka just this personal trainer/army/dude Brad ANNNND myself. Today's torture was "For Time" 50 pushups TRX, 50 pullups TRX, 50 sit ups, 50 leg raises, 50 squats TRX, 50 jumping jacks. My time was 20:27 so remember that is what I get to beat next time! The worst part of it was walking up the four flights of stairs after! Really though, it's like I have my own free personal trainer, it's great! :) I am still doing Yoga with Adriene-- day 15 of 30 (two yesterday and one today). Totally slacking/killing it in that department. I thoroughly enjoy my time with her-- she is always reminding me to smile, to open up my heart and to just breathe.
Current Reads: I'm listening to Keto Clarity, by Eric C. Westman, MD, Jimmy Moore on my first month free on Audible!
Favorite chapstick: Natural ice, no matter what kind-- it is the ONLY kind that works.
Currently doing a lot of Sudoku too..
"If you are trying to better yourself, you have jumped over the fence. You have chosen hope over hopelessness. If you did one thing towards good health today, you are winning."//Unknown
Oh, and a good pair of jeans does the body good! Go out and get a pair you feel good in, you'll feel more confident on your journey!!
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