Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Quick thought.

I just saw something someone posted; they just got back from a week long vacation in California-- including a trip to Disneyland.. And the caption was: "What a great trip, how exhausting."

Funny thing is tho, your vacation you are looking forward to.. 
- it will be here and over before you know it..

As much as you are loving your first day, with that whole week off ahead of you..
- suddenly it's time to pack up & head home. 


That moment you are in--right now. The one that you are wasting your time reading my silly little pointless blog...

I challange you to go outside and live.
Slow your breath down, and focus on this present moment... 
How does it feel to lie/sit down?
 How does your inhales & exhales feel? 
What is in the sky/on the ceiling?
 What can you do to push all your stressors away? 



Pause to take it all in.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Our journal topic for this weeks clinical was:
"where do you see yourself in five years, and what steps do you need to do to get there?".

Have you stopped to think about that lately?

In five years, it will be freaking 2020!
In five years, I will be turning 31. :(
In five years I will no longer be living with my mommy.
In five years, I will be a wifey and a mommy too!
In five years, I will have an established nursing career.
In five years, I will be officially "grown up". #scary.

It got me thinking: today is the oldest you have ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again. Soak up every last moment, because life keeps on going whether you are ready to live it or not.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

California dreamin'

We've been planning our annual Newport Beach vacation this year, hoping I can go--I get only one week off during summer!
In honor of my California dreaming, here is a little healthy snack for you to try.
Inspired by Dough Boys, one of our favorite little breakfast spots by the beach. There's is not quite as healthy but it sure is oh so delish!

Toast your favorite bagel thin, apply a thin layer of your favorite cream cheese (I use either veggie or whipped plain), cover with avocado and tomato. Sprinkle some lemon pepper & enjoy!

To spice it up, instead of tomatoes, use your favorite salsa!


Here is half of my class, sorry about the lighting! We are HALF WAY done with clinicals this semester, thank goodness! I have had a pretty fun time at Salt Lake Regional. I've had some awesome patients that remind me that even though nursing school is a major struggle, it is absolutely what I want to do.

I have only seven months, two weeks, and five days. Not like I'm counting or anything ;).