There has been a lot going on with me lately, and I have caught myself off balance.
I need to balance these chakras right up.
Starting today I'm going to take steps every single day to do better at taking care of myself so I can better take care of others. I feel so weighed down right now (and not just from vacation burritos haha). I am starting to feel all the mad stress of new career/moving out/getting married/adulting etc.
"What is to give light must endure burning." //Viktor Frankl -- perfectly sums up how being a new nurse is going for me.
I think it has been the most traumatic, yet most rewarding thing I've done with my life.
It is such an emotional experience to be there at the most exciting, life changing moment between a family. Whether it's first time mommy and daddy, or just another angel baby for the family.
Human life is a true miracle. It's been incredible to share so many intense and humbling moments together.
Being a nurse is a lifestyle. I need to set a good example, and contribute to the team, and that means I need to take better care of myself so I can endure more. Physically and mentally.
"Ongoing self-care practices are absent." //Eric Gentry.
Lessons from Nurse Residency 03/01/2016: ABC's of prevention: Awareness, Balance & Connections.
MY goals as an RN on the team:
be present, and alert.
take a deep breath and things through.
be a collaborator.
practice gratitude every shift [Say thank you at least 3x daily.]
deal with things as they come up, and stay on top of charting & strip reviews.
learn to SPEAK UP and be confident!
communicate clearly.
be hyper aware of the environment and any trends or changes.
after every shift; think of something I have done well, and something I want to work on.
I love my job!